What Are the 200 Factors in SEO?

Google uses more than 200 ranking factors to determine how well a page should rank in the search engine results pages. They also make use of artificial intelligence to help decide which sites are most relevant to the user’s query. Some of these are considered more important than others, but they all play a role in determining your site’s position on the search engine results page.

There are many other ranking factors, but the most important is the authority or trust level of a domain. If you have a lot of links from authoritative sources, you will probably get a boost in the SERPs.

Another important factor is the quality of the content on your website. Google takes into account how much time users spend on your site and how useful your content is. Sites that have frequent repeat visitors will likely receive a boost.

The presence of a sitemap will increase Google’s ability to crawl your pages. It is also useful if you have a lot of multimedia.

Another notable metric is the number of referring domains. A site with a large number of referring domains is likely a quality site.

Similarly, the presence of an LSI keyword will tell Google what your site is about. You can also see this in action by optimizing your website for natural language searches.

Also, the presence of structured data on your site will help it display on the SERPs in a nicer manner. This is especially important if your site is designed for mobile users.

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