Do You Have to Pay For SEO Keywords?

Depending on the industry you’re in, the price of a SEO package could be a little steep. You’re likely to spend more on local SEO services if you live in a big city than if you’re in a small town. Similarly, the cost of a keyword is dependent on its popularity. This is where an SEO company can come in handy.

The cost of a keyword is a function of several variables, but the most important is its popularity. The average cost per click for a keyword is between $1 and $2. However, this can vary by the season. During holiday season, keyword prices can skyrocket. A website will bill advertisers based on the number of clicks they receive. Using a keyword research tool like the Google Keyword Planner will help you pick the right keywords for your SEO campaign.

The price of a keyword may be a little steep, but the benefits of a top notch SEO campaign outweigh the cost. For example, a keyword with a surprisingly high search volume could increase brand awareness and drive more traffic to your website. For less competitive industries, the cost of getting a top notch search engine ranking could be a little less steep. The cost of a keyword could be as low as $10 per month, which could translate to an extra $20,000 to $50,000 per year in increased sales. It’s also worth considering the merits of a local SEO company.

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