What is Main Keyword?

What is main keyword?

In web design, keywords are words or phrases that people type into search engines to find information. They tell search engines what content on your page is about, and help you rank higher for those terms in Google search results.

A primary keyword is a term that you want your content to rank for. It should be used throughout the text of your pages and posts and in the Meta title & description, headers, anchor links, and first and last sentences.

Using the right keywords can increase your search engine traffic and conversions. But choosing the wrong ones can lead to a lot of traffic that won’t convert into sales.

The best way to choose your keywords is to do research on them and see which ones are popular. Look at the search volume for a term and compare that to the competition for the same term.

A secondary keyword is a longer, more specific term that has less traffic but more conversions. This type of keyword is usually easier to rank for than a head keyword, and can also be more specific and targeted to a niche market.

Long-tail keywords are more specific than a general keyword and can be very competitive, but they can be the best way to get traffic if you aren’t looking to compete with the biggest names in your industry.

ALT text is another important element to your SEO strategy, especially for image-heavy pages. Having ALT text for images will help search engines understand what the image is about and make it easier for them to rank your website.

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